
Thurgil's blog, such as it is.

Sunday, April 18, 2004


He stumbled home from Clifton fair,
With drunken song, and cheeks aglow,
Yet there was something in his air,
That told of Kingship, long ago.
I turned, and inly burned with grief,
That one so high should fall so low.

But he plucked a flower and sniffed its scent,
And waved it toward the sunset sky,
Some old sweet rapture through him went,
And kindled in his bloodshot eye.
I sighed, and inly cried for joy,
That one so low, should rise so high.

-unknow Irish Poet

How can things of such value be treated with such contempt?


Thursday, April 08, 2004

And Nonsense 

Its hard to belive that the end is finally in sight. What does one do after graduation? College is supposed to provide answers, yet, nothing in my "college experience" has told me what to do afterwards. Maybe I'll find a job soon, maybe not, its in God's hands at this point, I don't have the time or energy to keep looking.
Who knows, I might get to stay in the area, if so I'll probably start up a Movie Night like Plondke. Thats what I'd like to do anyway. Where I'll actually end up.... well, see above paragraph.

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