
Thurgil's blog, such as it is.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

My poor neglected blog...
I've been making time for reading again, its amazing how much I've missed it. I finished re-reading Papillion a day or two ago, its such an amazing book, and a true story, which makes it better somehow. Just started on Fahrenheit 451 today and I'm about half way through, its very good and much more sobering and thought provoking than I expected. The first half was so depressing I almost stopped reading, because all the things they were talking about were way too close to true. The changes in the way various forms of media are used and the increasing emphasis on a large volume of low quality material and the increasing trend towards "safe" and "comfortable" topics. I'm curious to see how it ends. In any case below is the latest devotional, enjoy.

Dear God, How do I know your will for my life?

That is a question I struggle with myself. When we were marking the questions we most wanted to hear about, this is one of the ones I chose. I think that, for me, the main reason I struggle with this question so much is that I don’t like the answer. I want a pat answer. A “to do” list of ways to act and some beautiful goal my life is supposed to achieve. Something challenging but not impossible, something truly exceptional but not uncomfortable. All of that delivered on a silver platter so I don’t have to think about it, so I can just do. But it doesn’t work that way. No matter how much I run from it I know in my heart that the only way to learn God’s will for my life is to seek it. That is hard for me, I don’t want to put the time and effort into seeking, I don’t want to risk my own will and my own desires. Its tough… but seeking my own will leaves me hollow, seeking His satisfies. Still I struggle, still I seek my own way. That may be the hardest part, learning God’s will isn’t a once and done kind of thing. Its something you have to work at every day, and every hour, and every minute. I know it’s difficult, but I also know that the rewards are beyond measuring.

Acts 17:27-28 “that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist”

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