
Thurgil's blog, such as it is.

Monday, May 30, 2005


A long overdue update.

We'll go in reverse chronological order I guess.

Went to look at a lot of houses today, saw quite a few that were ok except for being trailers. The next to last one however was very nice, and acre of good land and a real house in pretty good shape and for a decent price. Only about 12 miles to work so thats good. Ended up putting a bid on it, so we'll see on wed. whether its meant to be.

Helped my brother move into his house on Sunday, it wasn't too bad as we had lots of people there to help and he doesn't have a whole lot of furniture. Its a pretty nice house, way more expensive than its worth in my option but thats how land and houses go in Atlanta. It was really good to see the whole family, hadn't had all of us together for a while.

Went fishing saturday with a couple of the guys from work and it was ver nice :-) Didn't catch much, just a couple of small bream, but it was very relaxing which is something I've been needing, looking for a house is frustrating.

Other than that I've just been reading a good bit lately, read King Solomon's Mines over the weekend and its really good. I have to say the character of Quartermain was nothing at all like I expected from watching "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" Not really suprising considering the usual book/movie differences, I'm going to have to read Allan Quartermain and see how that compares. I actually took a break from The Once and Future King to read about Allan Quartermain, not that The Once and Future King is boring, just a slower read. I has some amazing quotes though, a couple of which I'll tack on below.

About Archimedies
"... and, although they are often ready to play the buffoon to amuse you, such conduct is the prerogotive of the truly wise."

Hmm... I can't find the quote I want on Lancelot; The basic idea is that he is so good because he's bad.That is he's concious of his evil desires and in repentance of them he does good deeds. Lancelot is an interesting character, some of his struggles resonate with mine.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Its true 

I am rather sick of the modern assumption that, for all events, 'We', the people, are never responsible: it is always our rulers, or ancestors, or parents, or education, or anybody but precious 'US'.

Letters to an American Lady
-C.S. Lewis

One of the main reasons I don't watch the news, or tv in general, is that by and large anything legal happening in america that shows up on the news is a case of this. Maybe not every case, we must leave room for people trying to take advantage of the system, money and fame subverting justice, and people trying to make a name for themselves.

Yeah, main stream media isn't one of my favorite things.

(raindrops on roses and wiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favorite things!)

Monday, May 09, 2005

Whos in teh house? (part two) 

Not me.

Someone came along and threw cash at them.

Yeah, sad is the Paul. But if you put something in God's hands, and say, if its your will make it so, and if not so be it. Well, so be it. He has a plan, and its still in his hands, so be it.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

This is the tree in my front yard. Its large, and oak, and I love it. Posted by Hello

This is the den. It is noteable for its size, the odd stepdown to the fireplace, the fireplace (being the third to be reached), the ugly carpet and oddly colored "brick". It also has the lowest celings in the house, still being out of reach of my fingertips, if I remeber correctly. Posted by Hello

This is the kitchen, if heat is something you can't stand, perhaps you shouldn't hang around. Posted by Hello

This is me, in a doorway, note the lack of ceiling in this picture. F34r my c31l1ng5. Posted by Hello

This is a picture of one of the outbuildings, its and old farm house, and might be my shop one day ^^ Posted by Hello

This is the front..ish of the house, the side that faces the road in any case (there is another porch area). Posted by Hello

Whos in teh house? 

So, big news, I put a bid in on a house yesterday. Its just what I was looking for... maybe a little more work than I was looking for, but dang its worth it. 7.18 acres of good land (including 20ish pecan trees, 6ish pears, and a fig bush) and an old farm house in Thomson (approximately half an hour closer to home and only 24ish minuets from work! Pics to follow, more information to follow if the deal actually goes through.

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