
Thurgil's blog, such as it is.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Rambling Thoughts 

So here are some random thoughts I've been mulling over for a long time, on the subject of men and women. Some of them are more questions than anything else, though I'm sure you won't have to look hard for my opinion in most of them. As a note all musings deal with committed monogamous relationships, i.e. the spirit of marriage if not the precisely legal definition of it. There are other alternatives but I'm not interested in them so I don't bother pondering them.

1) At what point did sex become a bargaining chip? I can't speak from personal experience but it is far too prevalent in conversation, comedy, etc to be unfounded. All of sexuality is treated the same way for that matter, why else would sex sell? Are we really so much the animal that we allow ourselves to be manipulated like that? I think the simple and frustrating answer is yes. Of course there's the whole "world's oldest profession" thing, but really, at some point shouldn't we move on?

2) Why does everyone feel the need to play games? I have never seen anything good come out of it. People go into relationships (generally their first) sincere and trusting, and thanks to whomever it is of whichever gender (generally not their first) playing games an generally being/doing things best described with expletives people get hurt. Being hurt they wish to avoid future hurt, so they hide their heart away and hurt someone else. And so it goes to the point where someone who is sincere and honest but not naive is bizarre and strange, more likely to be shunned than accepted.

3) Because every argument should have five points, err.. three. Moderately unrelated to points one and two, but not entirely. Stereotypes exist because they are basically true. They are useful tools as far as they go. They are completely useless, misleading and wrong beyond that point. That point is the line between the group and the individual. They can give you an idea of what to expect from an individual but can tell you absolutely nothing for certain about any one.

5) Every individual is ultimately responsible for their own actions. It does not matter who did what to whom when, your actions are your own. You may be praised for, forgiven of, condemned because, or completely ignored because of your actions, but they are always yours to make.

note: lack of action is an action

Agree? Disagree? let me know, I enjoy discussion.

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