
Thurgil's blog, such as it is.

Sunday, October 31, 2004


So I got some really interesting information at church today (I was visiting Trinity on the Hill Methodist) Apparently there is a new church in Augusta modeled on how the church was when it originally started, small groups meeting in members homes (or coffee shops in this case) which I've always been really interested in and I'm really really interested in checking it out. They have a meeting thingy this wendsday, pray for me, I really hope its going to go well. The website is http://www.thequestonline.com/common/content.asp in case you're interested.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The Paul is dead, long live the Paul 

It is my unfortunate duty to report that Paul fell into a vat of molten metal... and drowned :-p

Life is going along fairly well I suppose. Visited my family in marietta this past weekend which was good and weird at the same time. Always good to see the family and I had a good time, but there were rather more appendages than usual and that makes it weirdish.
Went to church w/ my little sister while I was there, and that was also mostly good, but it brought up a point I've been thunking about lately. That being "The Passion of Christ" More specifically how its been snapped up by the churches in America and plastered all over everything. Just for the record, I hate the movie, I don't nessicarily regret seeing it, but it was one of the most miserable times of my life. How is it that the church is against violence of all sorts, but so heartily endorses that movie? The knowledge of Christ's sacrifice for us is definately a good thing, but I don't think the idea is to focus on his pain and suffering. After all, anyone can die, Christ's resurection is the thing that made the difference. This was all sparked by the church using parts of the movie as the backdrop for song lyrics on their projector, distracting to say the least.
Nothing else to rant about at the moment. Christmas is coming up though, and I looooove Christmas.

that is all,


Monday, October 04, 2004

"Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things- trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one...I'm going to stand by the play world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there is no Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia."

Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, from The Silver Chair (C.S. Lewis)

http://cslewis.drzeus.net/ Its a great sight, new quote every day.

Had a great weekend, Chrisheilman and Holland came down and we played shadowrun, which was ver much fun indeed. Turns out I didn't have to work on saturday too (I was going to have to because they were doing an inventory at work, which is a whole other story, though not a very entertaining one) There was much butt kicking in shadowrun, its really going to be interesting to see what comes of it though (possibly much butt kicking in the other direction) The computer system was down at work today so a lot of the stuff I needed to do couldn't get done, not that there wasn't plenty to keep me busy, it just wasn't the highest priority stuff. Hmmmm.... what else... Playing a lot of final fantasy, its good stuff, and I get to hang out w/ the plondke and holland which helps a lot. Oh yeah, and I got tired of hearing things clack around in my love-seat so I flipped it over and took the backing off, I love doing things like that, its like a treasure hunt. I found three remote controls (one of which was mine) a watch (fossil) a couple of kid's toys, a pair of sissors and this folding tool thingy w/ wrenches and screwdrivers. Also a pen or two, it was fun.

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