
Thurgil's blog, such as it is.

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. 

Yeah, no house for Paul, again. Suprisingly enough I'm not bitter, though I was pretty pissed when I first found out. Turns out that the house is a cleverly disguised mobile home. A fact which the realtor missed, and the house inspector must have failed to mention. It took the morgage lady's apraisal to find it, and she found the court house records where it had been bought. Anywho, its obvious that just now isn't the right time to for me to have a house... I just have to keep trusting in God. Bekah is going to be coming down sometime to do the lease on the apartment, and we will see what the future holds.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Yay! Pictures! this is a picture of the house from across the road, looking at the front porch. Posted by Hello

Monday, June 06, 2005

"Let us pluck our flowers while the dew is on them, for when the sun is up they wither and on the morrow will others bloom that we shall never see.' And she lifted her sweet face to him and smiled into his eyes, and once more I felt a curious pang of jealousy and turned and went away. They never took much notice of whether I was there or not, thinking, I suppose, that I was an old fool, and that it did not matter one way or the other, and really I believe that they were right."

"And off went Good and I, and old Umslopogaas also, leaving the happy pair to themselves, and very low we all felt. Marriages are supposed to be cheerful things, but my experience is that they are very much the reverse to everybody, except perhaps the two people chiefly interested. They mean the breaking-up of so many old ties as well as the undertaking of so many new ones, and there is always something sad about the passing away of the old order."

Both from an excellent book called Allan Quartermain, which is suprisingly full of wisdom as well as an enjoyable read. The first quote really reminds me of "gather ye rosebuds while ye may" Advice to the virgins to make much of time or something like that.

Lonely again, such a fickle person am I! in one moment professing (and beliving) myself ready to spend the rest of my life alone and the next stricken to the heart for want of someone to share my dreams my love and my life... Such am I.

I have a contract on a house, and hope to post pictures tomorrow. Woot.

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