
Thurgil's blog, such as it is.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Second interview 

So, I had my second interview with GIW (the company in augusta) and while I think the interview went really well, and I think the guy I've been meeting with mostly wants to hire me, I'm not overly hopeful. Apparently a lot of people have a say in the decision and they had over a thousand applicants for the posission. I guess I've already made the first cut as I'm one of 5 being interviewed... but with that much interest... So I'm going to apply to a temp agency I've worked at before to bring some money in and keep busy while I'm waiting to hear back. They said it would be 3 weeks and to "be patient". I thought they were supposed to hand you a job with your diploma when you graduated, suxxor.

that is all,

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


So I just saw Troy (movie based on the Illiad staring some of those famous make girls drool type people) and while it was very disapointing that Orlando Bloom didn't meet a gruesome and horrible end I can honestly say that I have no complaints about the movie. Thats right, not one. If you know me, you know how rare that is. It was reasonably true to the book, and what they changed actually made for a better movie. (Not to say that the movie was better than the book, as Susan so astutely pointed out that never happens. (generally speaking (if you know a counter example please let me know))) So yeah, if you like action movies, or are curious about all things old, or greek, or old and greek, etc. go see it, its worth the money. There is some gore, so if you're uber squemish you might want to skip it, but hey, its about a freakin' war, people die in war, duh. Also, for people who suffer from tbs don't drink anything before you go in, I hear its three hours long, but I honestly didn't notice.

In other news still no word from any companies about a job. Suxxor.

That is all.

Monday, May 17, 2004

I got your update right here 

So, lots of stuff has been going on. I am now an old man having turned 23 sometime in the past week or so. I'm mostly moved back into my parents house which is exceptionally weird, and as much as I like my family I'm really hankering for a place of my own. I want a job, a lot. I'm supposed to hear back from that Augusta company this week and I really hope they'd hurry up. Mom is driving me nuts and by tomorrow I will have sent out around 20 resumes in two days. There are good things about being home, I've seen a lot of my good friends Paul and Teresa (along with their curtain climer Gabe ;-)) I wish I had some direction though, some idea of where I was going to end up. Nothin' to do now but pray I guess.


Wednesday, May 05, 2004


So I checked my final grades today and found good news. After losing my 3.0 very early in my tech career (yay diff. eq.) I managed to get it back in the last couple of semesters and my final GPA is 3.1. Thats not honors or anything but I have to say I'm pretty happy with it, now if only didn't take 6 to 8 weeks for them to mail the stupid diploma.
I guess I'm now firmly embarked on another portion of life wherein I have no idea what to think or do. I don't think I'm dealing with it terribly well, kind of retreating from people, being distant. I don't really mean to, but its a saftey mechanism, if nothing else Tech taught me a lot of those ;-|
I dunno, I really need to snap out of it, get my focus back on things that matter like God, my family and friends, rather than whats going to happen to me and all the bazillion things I'm responsible for now. Its a crazy time, maybe it'll be over soon.


Sunday, May 02, 2004


I are an engineer.

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